The dynamics of employee behaviour in the process of innovative change

Ewa Mazanowska

Rapid operative changes in the modern world, related to technological advanc-es, cause disorganization in the area of human capital management. An important point is the need for psychological preparation of employees to assimilate innovative changes. The problem is especially noticeable in manufacturing and in-dustrial companies. The management’s task, throughout the process of implementing changes in the organization, is to prepare their employees to assimilate innovation. The management should use a psychological approach to detect the so-called objec-tion mechanisms operating among the staff in the face of change. This publication mainly discusses innovation and those of its aspects which which determine em-ployee match to the organization and, consequently, employee adaptation to change. The paper discusses the mechanisms governing the assimilation of innovation in in-dividual employees, as it makes an attempt to identify those personality traits which condition employees for successful adjustment. Additionally, the survey focuses on manager behaviour which is desirable in situations of innovation and response to innovation. The aim of this article is to prove that changes in the organization significantly affect employee behaviour. To achieve this goal, we have analysed the existing literature, taking into account the results of research on this subject.

The dynamics of employee behaviour in the process of innovative change


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